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Mother Teresa Young Life- Biography Of The Great Women

Mother Teresa Was A Very Humble And Passionate Women Who Dedicated His Whole Life To Helping Others. Mother Teresa Young Age Went Away Thinking For Others.

Introduction And Mini Bio

Missionary and num Mother Teresa dedicated her life to helping others throughout her whole life. He helped the sick and the poor. She is also known as the Saint Teresa of Calcutta in the Catholic church. Mother Teresa was born in Macedonia to Albanian background parents and she was taught in India for about 17 years, and she experienced her “call within a call” in 1946. Her order founded a leper colony, a hospice, and facilities for the elderly, blind, and crippled.

Mother Teresa received the Nobel Prize for her Humanitarian work in 1979. In October 2003. She was beatified after her passing away in 1997. Mother Teresa’s second miracle was recognized in 2015 which paved the way to her canonization on 4 September 2016. 

Mother Teresa Young Life And Family

Mother Teresa was born in Skopje, the capital of Macedonia on 10 August 1910. She was baptized as Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu the next day. Mother Teresa’s father was an entrepreneur who worked as a construction contractor and a trader of goods including medicine. Her parents, Nikola and Dranafile Bojaxhiu, were of Albanian descent. The Bojaxhius were a devoted Catholic family, and Nikola was an active supporter of Albanian independence in both local politics and the church.

When Mother Teresa (then Agnes) was 8 years old in 1919, her father suddenly became ill and passed away. Some theories say that he was poisoned by the opposition political parties while others say something else. However, the reason for her father’s death is still unknown.

After the death of her father, Agnes grew up very close to her mother who was a very kind and devout woman. She gave her daughter a very strong sense of charity. Drama Bojaxhiu, though by no means invited the city’s underprivileged people to dinner and during this whole time she advised her daughter saying, “My Daughter, never eat anything unless you are sharing it with others.” When Agnes asked her mother about the invited people, her mother responded, “Some of them are our relatives, but the real thing is that they are all our people.”

Education & Nunhood Of Mother Teresa

Agnes went to a primary school run by a convent and a secondary school run by the state. She frequently performed solos when she was a young singer in the Sacred Heart choir in her community. She first sensed a calling to religious life on one of the congregation’s yearly pilgrimages to the Church of the Black Madonna in Letnice, when she was twelve years old. Six years later, in 1928, 18-year-old Agnes Bojaxhiu decided to follow her religious calling and travelled to Dublin, Ireland, to live with the Sisters of Loreto. She adopted the name Sister Mary Teresa there in honour of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux.

Sister Mary Teresa left for Darjeeling, India, a year later to undergo the novitiate period, and in May 1931 she made her First Profession of Vows. She was then transferred to Calcutta, where she was given a teaching position at Saint Mary’s High School for Girls, an institution run by the Loreto Sisters to educate girls from the poorest Bengali families in the city. Sister Teresa committed herself to reducing the girls’ poverty through education and became fluent in both Bengali and Hindi while teaching geography and history. 

She made her Final Profession of Vows to live a life of chastity, poverty, and obedience on May 24, 1937. After taking her final vows, as was customary for Loreto nuns, she assumed the title of “Mother” and became known as Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa stayed on as an instructor at Saint Mary’s, rising to the position of principal in 1944. She aimed to guide her students towards a life of devotion to Christ using her kindness, generosity, and unwavering dedication to their education. “Give me the strength to be ever the light of their lives, so that I may lead them at last to you,” she prayed.

“Call Within A Call”

Mother Teresa was called again on September 10, 1946; this “call within a call” would change her life forever. She claimed that while on a train from Calcutta to the foothills of the Himalayas for a retreat, Christ spoke to her and instructed her to give up teaching to work among the sickest and poorest residents of Calcutta’s slums.

Being an obedient sound, Mother Teresa was not allowed to leave the monastery without authorization from the authorities. In January 1948, she eventually got permission to follow this new calling after almost a year and a half of lobbying. She wandered out into the city that August from the Loreto convent, dressed in the blue-and-white sari that she would wear in public for the rest of her life. Her first voyage into Calcutta’s slums was six months after completing basic medical training, and her only objective was to help “the unwanted, the unloved, the uncared for.”

Mother Teresa’s Honors and Accolades

Mother Teresa started her international expansion after the Missionaries of Charity received the Decree of Praise from Pope Paul VI in February 1965. At the time of her passing in 1997, there were over 4,000 Missionaries of Charity, along with thousands of lay volunteers, spread across 610 foundations in 123 nations.

The Decree of Praise was only the start of Mother Teresa’s many accolades for her tenacious and successful charitable work. She received the highest award given to Indian civilians, the Jewel of India, as well as the Gold Medal of the Soviet Peace Committee, which is no longer in existence. The Nobel Peace Prize was given to Mother Teresa in 1979 in appreciation of her efforts “in bringing help to suffering humanity.”

The Miracles And Canonization Of Mother Teresa

On the first anniversary of Mother Teresa’s death in 1998, an Indian woman named Monica Besra claimed to have been cured of an abdominal tumour through Mother Teresa’s intercession, and the Vatican acknowledged this miracle in 2002. Pope John Paul II beatified her on October 19, 2003, referring to her as “Blessed Teresa of Calcutta” (a declaration made in heaven).

Mother Teresa’s path to canonization as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church was paved with the issuance of a decree by Pope Francis on December 17, 2015, acknowledging a second miracle attributed to her. The second miracle concerned the recovery of Marcilio Andrino, a Brazilian man who had fallen into a coma after being diagnosed with a viral brain infection. According to a statement from the Missionaries of Charity Father, the man was brought to the operating room for emergency surgery, but when he woke up without pain and was cured of his symptoms, all thanks to the prayers of his wife, family, and friends to Mother Teresa.

On September 4, 2016, one day shy of Mother Teresa’s 19th death anniversary, she was designated a saint. Held in Vatican City’s St. Peter’s Square, the canonization mass was handed over by Pope Francis. During her lifetime, the woman known as “the saint of the gutters” for her efforts to help the impoverished received an honour with canonization that drew tens of thousands of Catholics and passengers from all over the world.

Pope Francis said in Latin, “We declare and define Blessed Teresa of Calcutta to be a saint, and we enrol her among the saints, decreeing that she is to be venerated as such by the whole church, after due deliberation and frequent prayer for divine assistance, and having sought the counsel of many of our brother bishops.”

During the homily, the Pope discussed Mother Teresa’s life of service. He said, “Mother Teresa was a generous dispenser of divine mercy in all aspects of her life, making herself available for everyone through her welcome and defence of human life, including that of the unborn and the abandoned and discarded.” “She acknowledged the God-given dignity in those who were exhausted and abandoned to perish by the side of the road, bowing down before them. For the powers of this world to acknowledge their responsibility for the crime of poverty they committed, she raised her voice before them.”

Additionally, he urged the faithful to show compassion and follow her lead. “Mercy was the light that shone in the darkness of the many who no longer had tears to shed for their poverty and suffering, and it was the salt that gave flavour to her work,” he continued. “May she be your model of holiness?”

Mother Teresa Books

Mother Teresa’s books are an inspiration for the women of today’s world. In this selfish era where people only think about themselves and do everything for their own sake, we have all of Mother Teresa’s Books which serve as the beacon of light. Some of the famous Mother Teresa Books are:

  • Blessed Mother Teresa 
  • Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light
  • Mother Teresa: In My Own Words
  • A Simple Path
  • A Call To Mercy: Hearts To Love, Hands To Serve
  • I Thirst: 40 Days With Mother Teresa 
  • Gift For God 
  • Jesus Is My All In All
  • Do Something Beautiful For God The Essential Teaching Of Mother Teresa: 365 Daily Reflections
  • The Joy In Loving
  • The Prayers Of St. Teresa Of Avila 

When Did Mother Teresa Die And How?

Mother Teresa was a lady of compassion and love for the poor. Love was her motive and she always listened to her mother’s sayings which were told to her when she was young. Her work for the people and the nation could not be denied and will always be there in history. But unfortunately, After several years of serious health conditions including heart, lung and kidney problems, Mother Teresa died on September 5, 1997, at the age of 87.



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