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: When was Moses Born- Read About The Religious Leader.


Before the Common Era or BC, in the 13th century BCE, Hebrew prophet, teacher, and leader Moses freed his people from Egyptian slavery. He lived from 14 to the 13th century BCE. He established the religious group known as Israel during the Covenant ceremony at Mount Sinai, the location of the Ten Commandments’ promulgation. He organized the religious and civil traditions of the community and served as its translator of these Covenant provisions. He is regarded as the greatest prophet and teacher in the Judaic tradition, and in Western Christendom, Judaism has occasionally been referred to as Mosaism or the Mosaic faith. His relevance will never fade because of his continued influence on Western civilization’s religious life, moral issues, and social ethics.

One of the most significant religious figures in global history is Moses, who lived around 1400 BCE. Religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Baha’i recognize him as a key prophet of God and the forerunner of monotheistic thought.

Although the biblical books of Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers tell the story of Moses, the Bible still makes references to him, and the New Testament quotes him more than any other prophet.

Early Life Of Moses

Amram and Yochebed, both from the tribe of Levi, were Moses’ parents. Aaron and Miriam were his sister and brother. He was born in Egypt when the sheer size of the Hebrew people had made them a threat to the Egyptians. All male Hebrew newborns were to be thrown into the Nile and let to drown, per the Pharaoh’s decree. Taking their newborn baby, Amram and Yochebed concealed him in the long grasses of the Nile, covering him with a waterproof basket. In the meantime, his sister Miriam concealed herself and kept an eye on the infant from afar. A bunch of maids and women were taking baths close by. Upon hearing the baby’s cries, the daughter of the Pharaoh located and saved him. The name “Moses,” which she gave him, means “drawn from the water.” Having finally gotten her wish for a son, she made sure he had the greatest life possible, including a top school.

Being the adopted son of the Pharaoh’s daughter, Moses grew up among the opulence of the Egyptian court. Now that he was an adult, he understood his Hebraic heritage and felt a great deal of sympathy for his imprisoned brothers. After seeing an Egyptian master severely flogging a Hebrew slave, he became enraged and killed the Egyptian on the spur of the moment. He went into the Midian desert, fearing the wrath of the Pharaoh, and took up the role of shepherd for Jethro, a Midianite priest, to whom he subsequently wed Zipporah, his daughter. He observed a shrub blazing in the forest on Horeb Mountain, but it did not turn to ash. He was minding the herds there. It was a voice from within the bush that informed him he was the one to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. Additionally, he was instructed to inform his people of God’s unity. The majority of Israelites at the time worshipped numerous deities. Moses was to inform them that God was a single being.

Moses Duty

Moses felt hesitant and unconfident because of the heavy weight of his duty, his timidity, and his sense of unworthiness. “Who made your tongue?” was the Divine response. Then he was told that Aaron, his chattier brother, would be his spokesperson to the Pharaoh and the children of Israel. A “land rich with milk and honey” was the promised destination of the Israelites’ journey.

After his return to Egypt, Moses convinced the Hebrews to prepare for a swift departure from their Egyptian captors. Moses and Aaron told Pharaoh that God the Hebrews required Pharaoh to set God’s people free. The Pharaoh disobeyed and brought nine terrible plagues (diseases that spread quickly and can be fatal) upon himself and his people. Moses used the miraculous staff he had received from God as a sign of his authority to bring these plagues upon Egypt. The Egyptians experienced boils, hail, locusts, frogs, gnats, flies, disease to their cattle, and darkness in addition to the plague of water turning to blood. While the Egyptians suffered greatly from each plague, the Israelites were unaffected. The Hebrew tale of Passover is now the tenth plague. God demonstrated His great strength and power by sending the Angel of Death to kill the Egyptians’ firstborn sons. To ward off the Angel of Death, the Israelites marked their doorways with the blood of lambs, indicating to him to avoid their residences. The final plague caused the Pharaoh to lose his resistance, allowing the Hebrews to depart right away. As a result, Moses found himself in charge of an untamed group of slaves—both Hebrew and non-Hebrew—who were fleeing Egyptian territory in search of freedom.


Moses’ first objective was to reach Mount Horeb, also known as Mount Sinai, the site of God’s initial revelation to Moses. The strength the Hebrews sensed in Moses brought them to the holy mountain. The children of Israel heard the Ten Commandments thunder out as Moses, summoned by God, ascended the mountain and accepted the tablets of stone. Motivated, the people consented to the terms of the Covenant, which is an agreement between humanity and God.

Over forty years in the Sinai wilderness, Moses overcame numerous challenges and guided the group of former slaves, transforming them into a nation. Numerous miracles occurred during the journey. Moses’ lifted staff caused the Red Sea to part, allowing the Israelites to cross when they came to a stop in front of it with the Egyptian soldiers trailing behind them. The sea crashed down, drowning many of their pursuers once they had safely crossed. God provided the Israelites with what was known as “manna,” or spiritual food, each day when their food supplies ran low. Moses had to listen to the Israelites whine about their lack of progress, the food, and the weather. Moses had to listen to the Israelites even say that their journey through Egypt was superior to this wilderness experience. God instructed Moses to speak to a rock so that water would flow from it when the people needed it. Instead of following instructions, Moses struck the rock with his staff, suggesting that his character had worn thin. That was to have a lasting effect on the last days of Moses’s life.


Moses was able to keep his motley crew of former slaves together for forty years with the aid of his brother Aaron. It could only have been a man of immense will, endurance, humility, compassion, and faith who shaped the scheming and quarreling factions that were always challenging his authority and wisdom into a nation. Moses had continuous communication with his Lord, the God of Israel, for forty years. Through Moses, God expanded upon the Ten Commandments by providing a set of laws that governed the social and religious lives of the populace. The Book of the Covenant refers to this compilation of directives that the people read and verified. A specially made container known as the Ark of the Covenant served as protection for these. The God of the Israelites spoke all of the specifics through Moses.

Half of the tribe of Menashe and the tribes of Reuben and Gad received the majority of the land east of the Jordan under Moses’s leadership. Unfortunately, Moses’ disobedience to God during the time they were wandering in the desert prevented him from leading the children of Israel into Canaan, the Promised Land. Even his fellow Israelites could see how his regular meetings with God had fulfilled him. Every time he left an interview with his Almighty, his face was beaming. When 120-year-old Moses passed away in Moab, he was buried across from Bet Peor.  



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