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Donald Trump Biography-All Related Facts of Donald Trump

Introduction & Mini Bio

Donald Trump biography starts on June 14, 1946, when he was born in New York. he is the 45th US president (2017–21). Trump owned or licensed hotels, casinos, golf courses, resorts, and residential complexes in NYC and elsewhere. Trump leased his name to clothing, perfume, food, and furniture brands, and Trump University, which offered real estate courses from 2005 to 2010. Donald trump biography is incomplete without a discussion of his 500-company Trump Organization encompassed hotels, resorts, residential buildings, retail, entertainment, and television in the early 21st century. Trump was the only president impeached twice by the U.S. House of Representatives, in 2019 for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in the Ukraine scandal and in 2021 for “incitement of insurrection” in a violent Trump supporter mob storming the Capitol during a joint session. 

Donald Trump Biography-Family Life 

Trump was the fourth of five children of wealthy real estate developer Fred Christ Trump and Mary MacLeod. Young Donald Trump spent his childhood in the Jamaica Estates district of Queens, New York, with his elder siblings Maryanne, Fred Jr., and Elizabeth, as well as his younger brother Robert. He attended the exclusive Kew-Forest School from kindergarten through sixth grade.

Maryanne Trump Barry, Donald’s eldest sister, was a U.S. district court judge (1983–99), That is an interesting point in Donald Trump biography. She was a Third Circuit judge until her retirement in 2011. Fred, Jr. (Freddy), his older brother, temporarily worked for his father before becoming an airline pilot in the 1960s. Freddy died young aged 43 from drinking in 1981.

Trump has been married since 2005. His wife’s name is Melania Trump. There is one son between them named Barron. Trump also has four grown children: Eric, Tiffany, Donald Jr, and Ivanka. He has ten grandkids.

Young- Aged Business

In the Donald trump biography, it is important to mention that, Young Donald Trump started his first business when he was just studying at the University of Pennsylvania. President Trump ran a real state business in Philadelphia. After finishing his undergraduate degree in 1968,  this young Donald Trump went back to New York and started working full-time for the company that his father owned. The early stages of Trump’s career were plagued by public criticism and scandal. 

Donald Trump Biography-Trump’s Politics Start-up

In the late 1920s and late 1940s, Fred Trump built hundreds of single-family homes and row houses in Queens and Brooklyn, and thousands of apartment units, mostly in Brooklyn, using federal loan guarantees to build affordable housing. He developed government-funded housing for naval and shipyard workers in Virginia and Pennsylvania during WWII. This is Donald Trump biography’s turning point when In 1954, the Senate Banking Committee investigated Fred for allegedly abusing the loan guarantee program by overestimating his construction project costs to get larger loans from commercial banks and keep the difference. Fred told the Senate committee in 1954 that he built the Beach Haven apartment complex in Brooklyn for $3.7 million less than his government-insured loan. Despite being innocent, he was denied government loan guarantees. A decade later, a New York state inquiry showed that Fred utilized his earnings on a state-insured construction loan to establish his shopping center. After returning $1.2 million to the state, he could not get state loan guarantees for Coney Island residential developments.

Donald Trump IQ

Trump won’t give out his school records to represent Donald Trump iq, but presidential historian Barbara Perry has some ideas about how smart the former president was.

Perry, who runs the Miller Center for Presidential Studies at the University of Virginia and thinks Donald Trump IQ is at a high level, says, “I think he’s our most cunning president.” “So maybe for some presidents, being clever makes up for not being naturally smart and brilliant.” And he can work a crowd, so I won’t take that away from him.

Dean Simonton, a psychologist, tried to figure out how smart U.S. presidents were by guessing their IQ scores in 2006. Simonton used things like intellectual ability and willingness to learn new things to figure out which leaders were geniuses.

President Trump

If we talk about the political role of Donald Trump biography he is a successful and famous politician. He announced his run for office on June 16, 2015. In July 2016, he agreed to be the Republican candidate. Trump became president on November 8, 2016. On January 20, 2017, he was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. 

Reforming the U.S. tax code, renegotiating trade deals with Mexico, Canada, China, Japan, and South Korea, building up the military, defeating the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS), dealing with the opioid crisis, making it easier for veterans to get health care, dealing with the COVID-19 global pandemic, appointing Federal judges, including the nomination of three U.S. Supreme Court justices, and lowering the cost of president 

The U.S. House of Representatives removed President Trump from office in 2019 for abusing his power by asking Ukraine to meddle in the 2020 U.S. presidential election and for obstructing Congress by telling people to ignore orders from the House of Representatives. The President was tried in the U.S.

Trump was removed from office by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2021 for calling for a rebellion against the government of the United States. 

Recent Activities

Donald Trump biography is a valuable factor. Trump launched his run for office in an hour-long speech at Mar-a-Lago on November 15, 2022. The news came a week after the midterm elections in 2022 when candidates backed by Trump did worse than candidates not backed by Trump. His speech about the news included at least “20 false and misleading claims.” He made the first false claim “about two minutes in” and then went on to make at least four over-the-top claims about his achievements a few minutes later.

The New York Post made fun of Trump’s statement by putting it on page 26 and putting a sign on the cover that said “Florida Man Makes Announcement.” The story called Mar-a-Lago “Trump’s classified-documents library” refers to the ongoing investigation into Trump’s alleged improper handling of secret materials that he brought to Mar-a-Lago after leaving office for reasons that are still not clear.



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